2009年5月17日 星期日


格拉那達是那種會讓人一眼就愛上的城市,真的falling in love at first sight。

昨天捨命陪君子,和Ellen在party勝地Ibiza如願參加了一場opening party,整夜的house音樂和超重低音喇叭,震到氣流亂竄裙襬不聽使喚,從午夜跳到早上五點不但耳殘還腳殘,下次不知何年何月才有這麼瘋狂的機會了!early season就有這般光景,七八月的時候想必是夜夜笙歌,整座島徹夜不眠party至死才方休!

我們在西班牙的旅程有如倒吃甘蔗,一開始的巴塞隆納除了高第建築外,其他的經驗都不是太愉快,好在偽local晴霞帶我們去吃道地的tapas,不然西班牙的第一個城市就讓我扣分到爆表。接著來到度假勝地Ibiza遇上陰天,萬念俱灰走到Cafe Del Mar居然還是見到超美的夕陽,兩人坐在海岸邊聽lounge邊看夕陽,也買到幾張不錯的電音CD,隔天去Es Paradis朝聖完Ellen就笑說差不多可以回家了!

旅行過這麼多城市,第一次在旅途中強烈的想念哥本哈根,夜裡Sant Antonio Bay的晚風和著lounge music讓身體放鬆,寂寞便滲入毫無防備的身體裡。今天走在格拉那達的巷弄之中,使我想起了Siena,期待明天的阿爾汗布拉宮之旅,去不了摩洛哥,在西班牙也可以北非諜影一下!

2009年5月11日 星期一


今天氣象預報說巴塞隆納會下雨,不過除了下午天空有點灰以外,其實是個晴朗的好天氣。即便是星期天,市中心觀光人潮絲毫未減,路上盡是觀光客,走在La Rambla上還聽到熟悉的丹麥文,憑穿著打扮就可以很清楚的將北歐觀光客區分出來。



忽然覺得或許自己到北歐交換是正確的選擇,才剛到西班牙就有點被比台灣人還台的西班牙人嚇到,講話大聲肆無忌憚,穿著也很free style,還會面無表情直直盯著你看不放,我在丹麥嚇到丹麥人該不會就像我被西班牙人嚇到一樣?!比起南歐人,說不定我喜歡北歐人多一點點?


2009年5月6日 星期三


風大的陰天,坐在書桌前喝咖啡聽Chet Baker,除了下午的丹麥文課令我有些煩躁之外,其實是個愜意的午間時光,但剛剛忽然警報大作,就像台灣的萬安演習一樣,伴隨著長短不一且低沉的警報聲。住在丹麥這麼久還沒遇過這種事情,我還以為萬安演習是台灣人恐懼阿共仔的表現,沒想到丹麥也流行這套嗎?


以下引用自The Copenhagen Post Online

Shrill sirens to sound

Wednesday, 06 May 2009 09:23 KR News
Sirens across the country will sound at noon today as part of emergency services’ annual awareness campaign字型大小

Police and the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) will activate the emergency sirens across the country today as part of the annual public awareness campaign.

The 1,078 sirens mounted on buildings and rooftops in areas of the country with a population of more than 1,000 people will sound off at noon.

According to the DEMA, at least 80 percent of the population will be able to hear the warning blasts. In case of emergency, areas not covered by the sirens will be visited by police in patrol cars, warning residents with mobile sirens.

The deaf and hard of hearing have been able to receive SMS messages from the police and DEMA warning them of emergencies since the start of last year. To date, 563 people have signed up for the service.

Since 1994, the sirens have sounded on the first Wednesday of May every year so the public are familiar with the sound.

The first siren will sound for 45 seconds, rising quickly and falling slowly. It signals that the public should remain indoors, closing all windows, doors and ventilation systems. The public should tune into national radio or television for more information.

Four minutes later the first siren will be repeated, before the final siren sounds after a further four minutes. The final siren signals that the danger has passed and will consist of one long tone for 45 seconds.

The system is designed to warn the public of emergencies and catastrophes, such as poisonous fumes from factory fires or fears of nuclear fallout. One well-known case was the 2004 fire in a fireworks factory in Kolding, Jutland, after which thousands of residents had to be evacuated.

The sirens are actually tested every night, but at a frequency that is not audible to humans or animals. Since 2002, the sirens have been used for real emergencies 32 times and were sounded on ten occasions last year.

The last time they were needed was in connection with a fire at a plastics factory in Hårslev in November.

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